Ever since the outbreak of COVID -19 and, more particularly, since the threat has taken the shape of a pandemic, fertile minds have been, need we say rather vociferously, active, aided by the instant reach and exhibitionist effect of social media, in peddling their own remedies, cares and solutions for preventing and tackling the disease, in the event you unfortunately fall prey, to its ravages. Ranging from the outlandish to the downright comical to even abhorring suggestions, not backed by any semblance of scientific research, what to talk of any conclusive findings, these suggestions, feeding on the uncertainties of an anxious mindset, and sometimes with commercial or even ulterior motives, seem to have, in many cases, caught, the fancy of vast sections of the society. The immediate thought that comes to mind in this scenario is, if even a fraction of these so-called, cures and remedies are really effective, would not the scourge of the disease have been dealt with in it’s infancy itself before it reached such global proportions.
Not only on the prevention and cure front, the media in all its reincarnations, has also been busy, offering psychological and recreational suggestions on how to spent time productively, to keep busy so as to maintain a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. Of course, one may hasten to add, that most of these suggestions are made by well-meaning respected, accomplished and knowledgeable individuals/ organisations with impeccable and praiseworthy backgrounds, but in the prevailing scenario, the information overload and constant bombardment, sometimes seems to only add to the , already heightened nervousness and all-pervading confusion.
In this scenario to my mind, and, to do by own bit to add to the confusion, the sanest bit of advice has been provided by Shonda Rhimes, the acclaimed Showrunner, Producer and Writer in the following words:-
“If you are feeling helpless, help someone else;
If you are feeling alone, don’t ignore any other person’s loneliness,
If you are afraid, be brave for someone else;
Things feel more doable, if they are not about you.”
The above quote provides a classical antidote to the widely prevalent tendency of internalising your feelings and thoughts compounded by a perpetual feeling of self-pity by harping upon how you are God’s chosen unfortunate and tormented soul which in turn can have highly disastrous and deleterious effects both on you and on your immediate surroundings.
To guard against the pitfalls of such extremely negative thought- processes and despicable behaviour, Shonda Rhimes entreats all right thinking members of humanity, to step out of their “comfort” zone, open-up the recesses of their inner-self, get rid of the deep-rooted paralytic inertia to look around, expand your myopic vision and view the world from a wider perspective focussing on your external environment.
Such an approach, while definitely an immediate stress-buster, akin to pumping iron, would enable you to appreciate your circumstance and how your problems pale into insignificance when compared with the cards that God has dealt with for many others, most of whom are as intelligent, gifted or talented as you, if not more. Of course, the deep sense of satisfaction arising out of the simple act would be the defining bonus. Living in an overtly pessimistic environment, with negativity pervading all around, just a seemingly slight, but in reality, stupendous task of opening up the recesses of your mind for “someone else” is what Shonda Rhimes talks about.
Looking at the world from the prism of somebody else’s view point and being of assistance, will definitely, as she says, make things doable. In the all-pervading, all-pervasive sense of gloom it is such green-shoots of radiance and rays of positivity that lend hope for the future. In a world where personal meeting or contact is, rather unfortunately, well-nigh taboo (the new mantra, infact, the need of the hour, is “SOCIAL DISTANCING”) it becomes important that we collectively, as a Society, stand up for each other, and be willing(of course, not literally) to take the extra step, to reach out to people in need and who are or have the potential to suffer most from this modern-day holocaust — the old, needy, infirmed, the list is endless — the spill-over benefits are going to be exponential, both on your mental state as well as physical health. Any person who is besieged with negative thoughts, who follows the path suggested by Shonda Rhimes will begin to see the visible tangible benefits in a short time.
Of course, at the same time keep praying for the entire humanity to be delivered from this scourge and appreciate the efforts of the frontline workers engaged in dealing with this pandemic — Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Professionals, Law Enforcement Agencies etc.- all our COVID warriors.