Among the many saintly practices and healthy habits that my late father personified and tried to inculcate among his children, one habit that I can say with some amount of unabashed, perhaps largely undeserved, pride that I have inherited is of regularly going for morning walks. Aided by the soothing environs of the rising sun, the early morning exercise, apart from the obvious beneficial physical effects also helps to declutter the mind and prepares it to meet the perceived (if not imaginary) challenges of the day ahead.
Of course, to me a collateral benefit has been observing the facial expression, countenance and body language of everyone who indulges in this daily practice, whichever area or location I may be in. While many people are inhibited by their age, physical challenges or the like, a vast majority of the otherwise seemingly able-bodied carry a worried expression, weighed down by the intractable weight of the world’s problems (more often than not perceptual or illusionary) on their shoulders.
It is in this atmosphere, the experience that has cast an indelible impression on my mind is of a group of middle-aged gentlemen, who come almost daily to our neighbourhood park and who have made it a mission to spread smiles all around. Armed with a cheery, infectious, yet subdued, disposition, so as not to disturb the early morning tranquillity, this happy bunch of people have made it a habit of invariably greeting everybody, even a stranger, and more so somebody with a frown on his face with a broad smile, the transparency, depth and genuineness behind which is there for all to see. Gentility personified, evidently well-intentioned, sporting a beatific smile on their faces, radiating positivity, they have made it their mission to spread cheer in the neighbourhood. The contagion effect has been that,haltingly at first, but surely, and although the progress, has been slow and the process not yet complete, people have fallen prey to this welcome infection wherein greeting and smiles have become more common and the atmosphere generally more endearing which acting in concert with the early morning tranquillity has had a positively multiplier effect on the surroundings — all thanks to the efforts of this small bunch.
This experience just shows that a friendly and smiling facial expression goes a long way in casting a favourable expression on whomsoever you meet. A friendly greeting may be a warm hug (if the occasion permits) will slowly turn an adversary into a steadfast friend. Greeting someone with a smile, embellished with a touch of respect, can lighten even the darkest of moods as I found out from another personal experience. It was this neighbourhood sweeper whose job it was to sweep the roads — not the very pleasing of tasks, under any circumstance, which feelings got compounded by the harmful effects of the dust blowing around him and the atmospheric pollution — who carried a perpetual frown on his face — and perhaps rightly so. This gentleman would always without fail, greet him with a smile, ask about his welfare and would initially, invariably be met with an absolutely cold, indifferent response and a stony face. However, this friend persisted and slowly but surely the expression transformed from a frown to a gentle acknowledgement, to a wry smile and ultimately to a full-blown enthusiastic response and the widest of smiles. The result has been there for all to see — it is the same human being — carrying on the same task, in the same surroundings — but exhibits a much higher level of commitment and enthusiasm and sports a smiling face — not only does he carry out his task much more willingly, diligently and efficiently, I am sure he would be feeling the related benefits in his family life, relationship with friends, peers, superiors and the like.
While undoubtedly, everyone, without exception including this small group of people, in this world is beset with myriad problems, the mere fact of spreading a smile can only serve to alleviate the stresses and strains. We should remember the generally held belief that it takes more muscles to smile as against a scowl or a frown thereby reflecting the collateral physical benefits also. A smile is a reflection of one’s inner self and goes a long way to achieving an emotional balance and mental peace.
To conclude let me refer to a quotation I read somewhere and I think we all should scrupulously follow:-
“If you see someone without a smile,
Give him one of yours
It always comes back to you”
Keep smiling and spreading cheer- the benefits can only be exponential and of course, always mutual.