PASSION, confused with infatuation, is a widely misunderstood emotion and often carries negative connotations. While it reflects a very strong feeling about something or belief in something, negatively, it exemplifies the insane desire for a particular goal, object, thing or even love for somebody. Positively speaking it, has formed the basis for many achievements spanning multifarious spheres across history.
In fact, “PASSION” has fuelled major successes across eons of generations across all fields of human endeavour whether politics, business, sports, academics, social science, etc. even in the face of a hostile external environment and by dealing with the multifarious, sometimes backbreaking challenges along the way. How PASSION has fuelled astronomical levels of success in the face of inherent weaknesses and challenges is best exemplified in two sportsmen who have made a colossal mark on the global stage in the Twentieth century — Rahul Dravid and Rafael Nadal.
Admittedly, something which he has himself publicly admitted on numerous occasions, not the most naturally talented cricketer, Rahul Dravid by his PASSION for the game, powered by a steely determination, utmost dedication and extraordinary hard-work has had one of the most phenomenal records as an International Cricketer. Backed by (a somewhat) insane commitment to technical perfection, matched with a perfectly calm demeanour, deep commitment, impeccable integrity further enriched by remarkable dignity and humanity and a willingness to put in the extra yards have propelled him to an iconic (perhaps to, not the Demi-god status that his contemporaries like Sachin Tendulkar command) status. Add to that his stellar role after retirement from first class cricket in mentoring (simply coaching to my mind would be to terribly undermine his role) the Indian Junior Cricket team in their pursuits and through the turbulent growing up phase in their lives — of course winning the Under 19 World Cup in 2018 being the ultimate glory. Who can forget his pragmatic words after that event extorting the youngsters: — “Hopefully it’s a memory they cherish for a long, long time, but hopefully not the lasting memory and they have many more great moments and bigger things in future”. Underlying these words was the tendency in these youngsters to get wallowed in the present thereby forgetting what the future holds.
In the case of Rafael Nadal what is astounding is his deep PASSION for Lawn Tennis — his love for which gets reflected in his professional tennis career — in the face of debilitating and congenital disease resulting in a deformity to his tarsal scaphoid, the bridge of his foot . Doctors advised him to give up Tennis or be faced with a life long infirmity. Not allowing such doomsday forecasts to come to fruition, he challenged adversity and has gone one to become one of the most decorated players in the recent past. One of the fastest movers on court, a playing style which again put multiple demands on his body (admittedly not the Gazelle — like movements of Roger Federer) he has confounded critics and proved sceptics wrong by winning, till date, seventeen Grand Slams of which eleven have come on the clay courts of Roland Grass — a surface which again demands its quota of exertions and efforts from the body and is universally regarded as one of the most difficult surfaces not only to play on but also excel in. In a career spanned by a of series of injuries he has shown a remarkable resilience to bounce back even when his epitaph has been written on numerous occasions. Once when asked about retirement, be remarked with a straight face “I will be there for as long as my injuries don’t stop me playing”. All this is the outcome of PASSION — his immense love for the game, powered, again by hard work, determination and a willingness to fight against all odds and overcome all obstacles whatever their degree, extent or might.
These two mega -icons, perhaps not crowd favourites, do personify qualities which are admirable and worthy of emulation — role models for our younger generation and, of course, reflect what your PASSION for a particular goal can help you achieve. Such examples can be found in all fields of human endeavour. I have limited myself to these two, having watched and followed them closely through their playing careers and (in the case of Rahul Dravid even post-retirement) and have been inspired by them.
May the power of PASSION, properly directed and calibrated, drive all of us on the path of higher glory and greater good of mankind.